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The Physio Counsellors is a leading provider of exercise therapy, physical training, pilates through tele-rehabilitation (video calls, teams meeting, whatsapp, zoom call etc) and offline services. We provide exclusive online and offline training (including home visits) & consultation programs focusing on muscle strengthening, stretching and pilates that help relieve aches and pains. Our tele-rehab approach makes our services geographically accessible for clients in any demographics and thus reduces costs and eliminates wait times.

We use non-invasive techniques and strengthening protocols. It also comprises functional movements, pilates exercises, joint correction techniques and taping. All these help strengthen weak muscle tissues and support the joints.

Dr. Tripty Karwal (P.T.) who is masters in musculoskeletal physiotherapy from Indian Spinal Injuries Centre(IRS), India, certified in Sports Medicine and Health Performance from University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her goal is to make physical training available to everyone irrespective of their demographics with the help of tele-rehab services so that everyone in this world can have a pain-free, fit and healthy lifestyle.

Length of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and individuals weakness in muscles. It is not medically possible to cure cancer overnight. Similarly, it is not medically possible to fix weak or damaged tissue overnight. The process of healing is similar and everybody recovers at a different rate.